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member since November 11, 2010


I like making comics and playng video games preferbly sonic and pokemon im a huge fan of both franchises

Comics By Klonoahedgehog

  • Fantasy |
  • 55 pages |
  • last: Aug. 4 2011 |
An accident at tails lab switches sonic and amy to the wrong bodies Such an out of body expirience eh
  • Fantasy |
  • 7 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
A cross over between mario sonic kirby megaman zelda and kingdom hearts when there worlds are threatend the must band together to stop the evil that corrupts the universe
  • Fantasy |
  • 3 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
no description
  • Fantasy |
  • 13 pages |
  • last: Aug. 4 2011 |
  • 1 like
The next generaion of sonic the hedgehog

Comics Assisted By Klonoahedgehog

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Comics Recomended By Klonoahedgehog

Well, this is my Sonic Sprite Comic. It's supposed to be a Sonic X comic style but then I thought how much people hate Chris (me included) so it's kind of Sonic X without Chris & co. (YAY)

In a world with a hero, is it possible to have peace? Place your bets now, because we already have a dark double, a malfunctioning chaos emerald, several misplaced enemies, and Amy undergoing an identity shift in this sonic sprite comic.

A medieval knight and a Japanese ninja are forced to share an apartment in modern America. Can they achieve their missions without destroying each other?

Rouge princess finds a change of heart and returns to her home and family, and her troubles follow, not far behind! Can the story end happily ever after? Why it can. It's all over except for the reception!

Brought to you by the FOX network, it's Feeling Rushed!! Starring Sonimy and Shadow.

Gender Swapped is a comic for those that love to read about the bizaire, yet like to read about everyday occurences, it's also for those that just want a cheap laugh

A silly comic about Mario and Luigi's "real" jobs as plumbers.

It's a peaceful time in the pokémon world, but everything falls out of balance when runes are discovered in the Ruins of Alph.Follow our hero as he discovers the secrets behind the pokémon world in a crazy adventure.

Some kids go around catching Pokemon. Generic plot, right? Wrong... maybe...

Pokemon comic with a difference. Shaun and Matt are 2 humans who find a device that allows them to travel between Earth and the Pokemon World... or it would, if Shaun hadn't broken it - Contains strong language -Updated randomly, but at least once a week

A Sonic sprite comic that is 3 years in the making. Join Sonic and his friends as they go on hilarious adventures to strange for the video games. Prepare to enter the insanity that is Sonic & Tails Corner. Please? you know you want to.

It's a normal day when a disagreement between Sonic and Shadow leads them to stumble across a castle, and the vampiric ally-to-be inside it. What are you waiting for, start reading!

Amy has trying to win Sonics heart for years, but he stil won't go out with her! Amy asks everyone she knows, but they are no help. As a last resort, she steals a device from Tails that alters her personality completety.


Klonoahedgehog's friends

  • UltimateNMCH
  • locoroco1
  • D Comix
  • Volte6
  • Alexa the Hedgehog
  • Metsfan1000
  • PowerFox8
  • Dark Ninja

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Videos Shared By Klonoahedgehog

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