Public Profile


member since May 05, 2007


Hello all. Im an apsiring writer who really wants to break into the comic biz. Im fairly new to Drunk Duck and would love to collaborate with anyone who wants to do something. I love Superman, as can be told by my name, and eventually want to write about him.

Comics By Kal_El

  • Superhero |
  • 6 pages |
  • last: July 7 2011 |
They thought that their first year at college would be challenging enough, but when a group of friends discover they have extraordinary powers, they must balance the challenges they face from being freshman and super heroes!

Comics Assisted By Kal_El

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Kal_El

Think being a teenage witch is easy? Join Amy, Kate, and Ella as they experience the fun of being a witch; fun such as having to pick flying monkey fur out of your clothes and accidently turning your boyfriend into a girl. Isn't magick fun?

David Adams is a man who's not sure if he's awake or dreaming. All his life midnightstories had these visions and dream. It's a journey that will take him to the moment of creation, and through to the end of existence.

Kal_El's friends

  • midnightstories
  • magickmaker
  • Bocaj
  • kittykattle90
  • Chill_Factor
  • nibbi
  • Volte6

Videos Shared By Kal_El

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