Public Profile

Jonny K

member since December 12, 2008


about me eh?

Real Name: Umm… Jonny K

Current age: 22

Gender: M


Occupation: Student/freelance super-hero

Child hood hero: Spider-Man/ NightCrawler

I started reading actual comic books in late 9th grade, which, for the first time, sparked an interest in art. I have absolutely no artistic talent whatsoever, everything I know about drawing came from practice, not any sort of natural ability. Im living proof that practice makes proficient.
Currently, I can often be found at my local all night diner doing comission artwork for the fellow patrons in exchange for a free cup of coffee.

Comics By Jonny K

  • Fantasy |
  • 0 pages |
  • last:  |
Well the title sort of says it all, doesn't it? This is an exploration of that baneful, anti-creative wall that we all have to deal with from time to time: Artist Block! Writers, illustrators, musicians, we all get it but WHY? and HOW DO WE OVERCOME IT?
  • Fantasy |
  • 1 page |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
When the universe is thrown out of balance, a new arbiter must be chosen to re-establish equilibrium. Mick Scythus, a seemingly ordinary human from Centropolis is now the last hope for the cosmos, and time is running out!

Comics Assisted By Jonny K

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Jonny K

Caggage's cute exterior hides a surreal, manic depressive variety show drawn from haunted nightmare visions and general malaise. It features two little guys, an orange thing and a squidkitten.

When the annonynimity of screen names is threatened, two guys who...well...never really cared for eachother to begin with wage an epic battle to decide the fate of internet geeks everywhere...The Drunk Duck Civil War!

Hi I'm Carly, and for some reason I scare the Buh-Jeezus outta people! Not intensionally, they just think I'm weird. But I'm a really nice normal person. With lots and lots of friends! Lots of 'em, yup, lots. Who? Um, people too important to tell you

Pinky TA is a diesel-punk comic set in an alternative version of the 20's. It features the sexy Pinky, war, blood, steel, and fire!

A young man with some serious occult abilities and his badass kid sister face the end of space-time, the coming of chaos, and various other goodies in the near future.

Join the enigmatic Edgar Allan Poo and faithful guide Irving the rat as they battle mythical beasts, ancient gods, magical ravens, sorcerers, the undead, inclement weather and treacherous terrain to escape the land of dreams.


Jonny K's friends

  • Volte6
  • MrRiot
  • celrena
  • Evil_Snuffkin
  • gigatwo
  • Prototaph
  • biggreenmonstr
  • alejkhan
  • Cheeko

forum topics started

No topics.

Videos Shared By Jonny K

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celrena at 9:37PM, Dec. 17, 2008

Is this a new username or am I mistaken? :D :D

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