Public Profile


member since August 08, 2009


Creator of Rabitato and Friend that is inspired by Nedroid. I also make sprite and drawn animations for my website CVAnimation and for ScrewAttack. Be my friendly friend and we be happy for ever and the rest of times.

Comics By Jetz

No comics.

Comics Assisted By Jetz

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Jetz

This is a webcomic about various things. No strict plotline. "Superheroes" and "villains" can be found here, along with randomness, and oddly funny (maybe) characters. People have called this comic "Awesomater!" Updated EVERY DAY!

Pancakes is an absurdest comic about a normal stick figure named Pancakes, and his WAAAACKKKKY adventures!

Jetz's friends

  • Gillespie
  • Emily Elizabeth
  • nzabob
  • ParkerFarker
  • jimbob47
  • martinlo_23
  • ifelldownthestairs
  • Volte6
  • HugoSIII
  • Bocaj

Videos Shared By Jetz

No videos.




Gillespie at 8:44PM, Aug. 17, 2009

Thanks for the add! As a good beer commercial told me: "Some times being original, is just being yourself." Yeah. Just make stuff that you like. It's your comic after all! Thanks for reading Bacon Strips! :D

ifelldownthestairs at 1:45PM, Aug. 11, 2009

Thanks for the add! Ditto to what Bocaj said. Just blend together everything that you like; it'll all come together to make up your own style :D

Bocaj at 6:50PM, Aug. 10, 2009

Thanks for the add! And don't get too down on yourself for being inspired by nedroid! I am influenced by nedroid as well to some extent. I say if you are too concerned about being similar to nedroid, you could read some other comics find what you like about them, and combine elements. But yeah, I like your comic so far! Keep it up!

martinlo_23 at 11:01AM, Aug. 10, 2009

I mean dont worry without the question sign

martinlo_23 at 11:00AM, Aug. 10, 2009

Whaz Up dude? You can come up with something original, dont worry?

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