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member since October 10, 2022


It is my dream to make a Turn based Game similar to the Mario and Luigi rpg-series. I want to Show my ideas For the Story of the Game in Form of a Comic.

Comics By Jesse_Koehler

  • Fantasy |
  • 23 pages |
  • last: Jan. 11 2025 |
The visual Version of the Comic Fury Forum Game: lets make a Story one sentence at a time. (Warning permanently funny)
  • Fantasy |
  • 267 pages |
  • last: Jan. 15 2025 |
A long time ago, in a parallel universe the world was created by 3 gods with a Power known as magic. But their plan to create a paradise went wrong. Luckily, the gods had an emergency plan. It is said that the chosen one will appear at the right time to restore the balance. Can he defeat the forces of evil or will the plan fail? the uncertain future of earth can only depend on the hero's decisions, which lie in his heart. the heart of fate.
  • Parody |
  • 19 pages |
  • last: Nov. 4 2024 |
(A castlevania parody) in this universe something terrible happened this time at the chronos event. many worlds have been trying to fight the reptiles for a long time, but they have become too powerful. the once peaceful worlds are now all oppressed by evil and only a shadow of themselves... but a spark of hope shines from a special restroom. It's Stew! he is a retard but the galaxies are not fucked yet! He is the only one left which is powerful enough to defeat the lord of the castle and secure the artifacts to restore The peace.

Comics Assisted By Jesse_Koehler

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Jesse_Koehler

Brittany is a chaotic young woman who attracts insanity. After she stages a protest against hentai, a corporate zombie plots to eliminate her.

Chronicles the tales of the city of Dicksville and its citizens. Updates monday-friday probably

Savannah is a cat and she runs away from home to go on little cat adventures:3 (Updates: Monday and Thursday)

Jesse_Koehler's friends

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Videos Shared By Jesse_Koehler

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Jesse_Koehler at 3:12PM, Nov. 15, 2022

Expect The unexpected.

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