Public Profile


member since August 08, 2010


Kekeke! Hello everyone! You can call me Forest! Im here to share my love of comic making. Anyway, Thanks for taking the time to glance at my page (^u^)v.

Here comes the boring part::
~Instrumental music.
~Harry Potter books. (read all 7!!)
~Being a nerd, because nerds are AWESOME!
~Cute stuff!
~Books and watching movies.
~MUCH MORE!! but Ill get in to that a little later.

-Vegetables!!! but theyre good for you D:.

Anyway, Im not an intimidating person. So if you want to message me and talk, that would be pretty cool.

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IntoTheForest's friends

  • Volte6
  • VitaminHeart

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VitaminHeart at 2:49PM, Aug. 16, 2010

Gah PQs don't seem to be working for me so I thought I'd post on her to say thanks and glad you like the comic. Good luck with your own. =D

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