Public Profile


member since January 01, 2010


TIM BRIDGEWATER is an actor/writer/screenwriter/musician who began writing at a very young age. Being a huge fan of comics his entire life, he jumped at the first real opportunity that he had to write one himself! “Ive written a lot of comics in my life,” says Bridgewater, “But of course those were all just for fun, and not many people read or saw them, thankfully. I think its time to put something out to the world though, and I welcome the challenge!” Bridgewater is currently the writer of Heliodoro: The 4th Corner Project, and has several screenplays and other unannounced projects in the works.

Comics By HELIOtim

  • Fantasy |
  • 1 page |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
THE CITY OF FLEMINGTON provides the backdrop for this epic story of a young man who goes from national outcast to vigilante hero, and potentially, the savior of the world. Heliodoro: The 4th Corner Project is the chronicle of a man named Alejandro Fleming

Comics Assisted By HELIOtim

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HELIOtim's friends

  • michaeltdecuir
  • MelonFarmer
  • Volte6

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