Public Profile

member since September 09, 2009
Asallam , friends! =OwO=
.:I`m a Muslim and I`m proud of it:.
:: Ashhadu ana la elaha ellah Allah wa ashhadu ana Muhamadan rasula Allah!::
I`m just here to read some awesome comics and submit my own. Please stay tuned! 3
My comic is called .Yes, with a (z), because that`s how they roll. =nwn=
# Interests: Praying, meditating, drawing, meeting nice new people.
# Favorite artist: Johnen Vasquez
# Favorite poet or writer: Edgar Allen Poe
# Favorite games: Ratchet and Clank future 1,2 3
# Favorite cartoon character: Daffy Duck
Please visit my dA profile:
.:I`m a Muslim and I`m proud of it:.
:: Ashhadu ana la elaha ellah Allah wa ashhadu ana Muhamadan rasula Allah!::
I`m just here to read some awesome comics and submit my own. Please stay tuned! 3
My comic is called .Yes, with a (z), because that`s how they roll. =nwn=
# Interests: Praying, meditating, drawing, meeting nice new people.
# Favorite artist: Johnen Vasquez
# Favorite poet or writer: Edgar Allen Poe
# Favorite games: Ratchet and Clank future 1,2 3
# Favorite cartoon character: Daffy Duck
Please visit my dA profile:
Comics By GrimFire
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Comics Assisted By GrimFire
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Comics Recomended By GrimFire
A girl is teleported into Ratchet's world after a...shocking incident, and is stuck there until she can find a way home. Oh, and there's the fact that she's the one who says that he's nothing more than a videogame character in her dimension.
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Videos Shared By GrimFire
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