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member since September 09, 2007


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Comics By GoukiZero

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Comics Assisted By GoukiZero

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Comics Recomended By GoukiZero

About a teenager named Evan, who goes to a school to teach him how to be a supervillain! But he's no good at it and hilarity ensues!

In the future, even machines will need an angel, and one girl is there to fill in that job position, her name is Angel Love; and her dream will cause a whole cyborg city to erupt into a massive gang war.


This is a story about a little girl, Lila, and her life once she befriends two aliens.

For over a decade, spanning some 4000 nights written in these journals, Lt. David Day Became HERO BY NIGHT, protecting the innocent and punishing evil wherever he could find it, until one day...HE VANISHED. A Platinum Studios comic! Updates Monday-Frid

Sonic's on college... WITH SHADOW AS HIS ROOMMATE?! (this story is not in Another Sonic Comic's Storyline)

a novice's sprite comic turned into a wild adventure each season offers something different. Contains sprited violence and blood if you can look past that you'll be fine the lastest season contains a lot of filler but is updated daily.

TheRedDeath's story leading up the Drunk Duck's own epic Civil War!


GoukiZero's friends

  • dragon Shraa_tak
  • LilChrisJr
  • ice zero
  • Ledesh_Hevent
  • Dreamweaver
  • Volte6

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