Public Profile


member since September 09, 2007


Howdy everyone ^_^
the names GiroroG66 but you can call me Ryan :D
Ive been a comic artist and illustrator ever since Middle School and to this day, it has been more than just a simple passion, it has been a part of my life.

I am a fan of furry art and anime. I love video games and I LOVE POLYSICS they are my anti-drug. My favorite shows are Keroro Gunso, Family Guy, and Whose Line is it Anyway? Most of my favorite video games come from Nintendo and for me there is no such thing as my favorite movie, I love many films. Well you already know that POLYSICS is my all time favorite band, but I also listen to The Killers, the pillows, Jaguar Love, Go!Go!7188, Los Campesinos!, Numbers, The Bravery, 8-bit music, Raymond Scott, classical, and punk rock.

Ive done comics, requests, and art trades, and as a Senior in High school I feel like Im only getting started.

During high school, Ive also started a new hobby and that is creating music. Ive composed over 30 pieces and NO, I dont sing, all of it is just different things Im doing with the keyboard. its all experimental, so I dont expect much hype from it.

thats all for now, its TIME TO DRAW ^_^

ALSO: check out:
Deviantart: User name GiroroG66

Rocket Blast (not so) official website:

Comics By GiroroG66

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Comics Assisted By GiroroG66

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GiroroG66's friends

  • Ryson
  • YourNobody
  • RedMoon
  • Volte6
  • ttyler
  • Rezrabbit
  • RadiationMutt

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