Public Profile


member since December 12, 2006


Hello all! My name is Josh, I like comic making, playing games, reading comics, and other stuff.

I play a lot of nintendo games and my favorite nintendo games are: SMB, SMB3, Kirbys adventure, Zelda 1 2, Mario Kart.

Im not just a fan of nintendo though. I like the XBOX and Ive played a few of those games.

Well, I think you know enough about me for now. Try checking out my comic creations or my favorite comics.

Hang around and something funny might happen cuz im naturally funny.


Comics By Gamemaner1234

  • Fantasy |
  • 8 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
OH NO! The mushroom kingdom's guardian toads have been turned into stone by lord bowser! And the only one who can change them back is princess peach, who is currently being held captive by lord bowser. The only ones who can save her is the Mario Brothers!

Comics Assisted By Gamemaner1234

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Gamemaner1234

A very bad effort in paint. Went OK, but then began to slowly die, as i lost patience. But don't despair! The later slides are quite good.

The ongoing story of an amazing team of superheroes who can never seem to get anything to work right.

Based on the events following Joshua's adventure around the world, this features one of his sons, Stefan, and problems with his treatment by his father. Joshua, now a king, doesn't feel his son even deserves to be alive!

*Concluded* An RPG/Fantasy comic involving six heroes on their adventures around the world, they get into some interesting situations, especially when they get William, a young giant, angry with them... There's plenty of villains in the story, as well.

If you like your super-heroes will a super-sized order of french-fried funny, then FantastiTeam is the comic for you. If, on the other hand, you like well-plotted, well-drawn comics that seek to advance the medium... Sorry.

The adventures of Genie-Man, the wish-granting superhero! Updated Fridays.

5 unlikely heroes must save a farcical fantasy world from ludicrous evils, ridiculous dungeons, outlandish monsters, and preposterous quests. Be prepared to have your funny bone tickled as you read the Knights of Burlesque.

The story of two fellows who are destined to blow up the ocean or die trying.

Mario and Lou Igi (Luigi) venture through a long list of video games! I will try to use all suggestions. You can suggest: -General Tips -Characters -Video Game -Plot Anything goes! But it may take awhile for me to incorporate it into the story.

The Ghostly spirit has taken control of Bowser and it's up to Mario and Luigi to save the Mushroom Kingdom from destruction.

2 years after the battle of the luigi brothers, the evil bowser finnaly has his comeback to the bros. By brainwashing their out of mario bros freinds, bowser has a grusome way to get pea- no, the mario bros!


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Videos Shared By Gamemaner1234

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Black Daisy at 10:19AM, Dec. 13, 2007

Kick ass, I'm a friend! Yo Gamemaner, That's the end. I'm so lovin' The Mario Days!

darkpower101010 at 6:44PM, June 22, 2007

Woa! My name's Josh, too! To avoid confusion, your new name is Other Josh. 8D

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