member since December 12, 2007
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Comics By Fintago
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Comics Recomended By Fintago
About a teenager named Evan, who goes to a school to teach him how to be a supervillain! But he's no good at it and hilarity ensues!
Mostly my own slightly warped view on Life, Death, and the world in general.. Not really, this follows the lives of Death (Steve) and Life (Bobby) Along with the other mythical/magical beings that clutter up the place
Welcome to the wonderful world of NPC! Where we don't give a crap about Heroes! updates when we can!
When the Beast leads the mob, and the Hunchback has his own food chain, you know you're in Fantasy Land. Headless and Pinoccio team as a pair of wise cracking, balls-to-the-wall hitmen that will do the job (if the money's right).
The Gods of Arr-Kelaan were mortal once. Now each one is learning the limitations - and lack therof - of their newfound positions as gods. CURRENT STORY "Consequences": New gods learn about their powers, and deal with ancient pantheons. Fun!
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