Public Profile


member since August 08, 2007


Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tis me Marlo! I like cheese, Im from USA! and Im a mixed breed of Philipino,Itatlian,Chinese,Persian,Fr-ench,German,and, Scottish! Ill be starting a comic soon if I get my darn hands to work ; yay ;3

Comics By Euphem

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Coming Soon.
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A girl goes to a Circus that comes only once a year in hallows ville but finds out there staying for a while... RATED T FOR BLOOD,ETC,ETC >(

Comics Assisted By Euphem

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Euphem

Pencilled sketched manga with poorly written English dialogues... ...please don't shoot me.

A woman suffers a tragic death. When she awakens in a land that is beyond life but not entirely past death, she must seek a way to discover where she is and how to return to the land of the living...

Purgatory is a tower that offers a group of convicts a second chance at life, if they can survive the climb. But who built the tower, and for what purpose are they holding this "contest"? The answer lies at the top, if they can manage to reach it.

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, society is shattered into factions and all live in fear of a second alien invasion. Wren and his team fight to unite the earth against its real enemy: fear itself.

Euphem's friends

forum topics started

No topics.

Videos Shared By Euphem

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Doyora Steinbaum at 5:03PM, Sept. 23, 2007

Well Hi :) . I hope you're not weirded out too much by AHAHA... u_u

Wazaga at 7:31PM, Sept. 18, 2007


D0m at 1:07PM, Aug. 28, 2007

Welcome to the Duck!

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