Public Profile


member since September 09, 2006


Every time I type up a bio, (and I seem to do a lot of them!) I try and make it a little different than the last one I jammed in. Unfortunatly, my wit is very(veryvery) limited, so the results are often subpar.

My name, anywho, is Ember. Im 18 and just recently graduated from high school. While the rest of my friends hustle off to university, Im taking a well-deserved break to work on my art, write a little bit, travel to a couple distant countries, and figure out what, exactly, I want to do with my life.

Im a Greek/Norse mythology nerd, especially where all those shirtless, muscle-y men meet up with mythologys most menacing monsters- my absolute favorite, the gryphon, in particular. 3 Im an animal lover, semi-gamer, and science-fiction dork, all of which help to explain my continuing obsession with Pokemon- and yes, I know that ten years is too long to be addicted to a childrens series, and I fail to care. 3

My interests include drawing, painting, writing, digging big holes, sex, cryptozoology, dancing like a denied bonobo, gardening, cooking, and setting things on fire- all things I plan to pursue professionally one day.

Comics By EmberGryphon

  • Fantasy |
  • 17 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Ember Whitestorm starts her journey with a genetically-engineered Meowth, and finds out the hard way that Bad People want it, her old best friend wants nothing more to do with her and the person who got her into this might be her biggest threat of all.

Comics Assisted By EmberGryphon

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Comics Recomended By EmberGryphon

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EmberGryphon's friends

  • cincy74
  • Lexxorodius
  • Volte6
  • rmmanuel
  • Leon the Armadilldo
  • Almost Famous
  • Kinuchio

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