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member since April 04, 2007


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Meet K. She likes to shop, watch TV and smoke cigarettes. And God hates her. Lucky her.

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Ryjia at 4:38AM, June 14, 2008

Er bestaat niet zoiets als te veel comments ;P en ja, ik kan niet spellen. W.I.T.C.H. houd ermee op! O.o

soulcelshade at 8:04AM, June 1, 2008


Ryjia at 1:25AM, May 12, 2008

hoihoi :D even wat loooooove voor op je profiel :heart:

Tamerlane at 10:00PM, March 21, 2008

Thanks for the comments! I am a gay man trapped in a woman's body! lol nah i'm just a girl

Crazy Dutchman at 6:08AM, Nov. 10, 2007

Tnx for the recommendence :D Now I seriously HAVE to update it!

Crazy Dutchman at 7:20AM, Nov. 3, 2007

Dutch people unite! :D Ik kom er echt steeds meer tegen!

Joe Vegas at 1:42PM, Oct. 27, 2007

De klapper, dat is heel ver! ja?

Joe Vegas at 12:56PM, Oct. 24, 2007

er, polish, belgian, and polish..kind of like german, but no.. so u live in Jersey?

Joe Vegas at 2:11PM, Oct. 23, 2007're very pretty

Joe Vegas at 1:15PM, Oct. 23, 2007

hm...i don't get the video...anyway...hi.. um just passing guess... hey if you want my myspace i can give it to you if you want..

QSAMA at 1:55PM, Oct. 10, 2007

oh and i think ure cute lol *blush*

QSAMA at 8:35AM, Oct. 10, 2007

no problem thanks for cheking out GJ!

Ryjia at 6:33AM, June 23, 2007

yeah.. well, sorry I haven't finished any pages an have been absent XD maar k was niet op vakantie... ha I wish! ik was druk, want mijn opa is gestorven

Ryjia at 2:29PM, May 21, 2007

hoihoi hoe ist ermee? :3 ik hoop dat je comic snel update, hij's te schattig

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