Public Profile

Eirik Gundersen

member since December 12, 2007


Pseudo-name: Eirik Gundersen
Age: 20
Skill Level: Crappy
I like to TRY and draw, but usually it looks crappy, so I spend half of my time erasing and fixing things. I dont have a type when it comes to comics, I like anything that strikes my fancy at the time. That also applies when Im drawing; anything is possible. Some topics that Im interested in include: angelology, transgenderism, real-life situations, alternate events, etc. I am working on a comic of my own, slogging through my own pessimistic and dark view of everything. I hope I can have some work done soon, now I just need to find the time…

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Eirik Gundersen's friends

  • megan_rose
  • Roguehill
  • Volte6

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