Public Profile

Dracona Shade

member since September 09, 2007


I am very interested in media, namley animation and video games design. I make a fair few RPG Style games using RPG Maker 2003 and RPG Maker XP. I also do a lot of music work making BGMs for my games etc…
I have a keen interest in art and would love to improve my skills.
By religion, Im a Dragon Worshipper, which, to a lot of people, is rather strange, yet I am. I have a great amount of resect for Dragons ad have been known to be VERY touchy on the subject.
I currently study Video Games edsign at college and am learning C++ Coding Language.
I am an active member of the Devon Lupus Group that. We try to spread awareness of the disease named Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (Lupus or SLE for short).
On top of that I happen to be (and am proud of) a damn good SUPER PERVERT!! as the siggy may suggest.
I can turn evil (not nasty, just evil) at times, but on the whole, Im a friendly person with a few mental instabilities. XD

Comics By Dracona Shade

  • Fantasy |
  • 1 page |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
The first in the (hopefully) series of comics featuring Cuthbert and Gilderoy.

Comics Assisted By Dracona Shade

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Comics Recomended By Dracona Shade

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Dracona Shade's friends

  • Chaz McRich
  • Zeph
  • greenraven
  • I hate Reality
  • Lexxorodius
  • Volte6

forum topics started

Videos Shared By Dracona Shade

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I hate Reality at 10:11PM, April 13, 2008


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