Public Profile


member since May 05, 2007


About me…
Im a psycho…

Nah, Im a communication sciences student (which is almost tha same), an otaku and a bit of a gamer :P i draw for fun, and i know i cant draw well but ill keep trying until i manage to get a good comic :D

Hope you like it or at least not to scare you all…

Comics By Doriard

  • Fantasy |
  • 3 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
...another real life comic, the life of an otaku, pumper and freak, but all that in one.

Comics Assisted By Doriard

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Doriard

This is a comic strip about the life of a group of furs...resolving everyday problem...I suck doing synopsis beg check it n.n

Join Bit, Eli, Prob, and Ittybit in wacky crazy robot adventures of crazy wacky adventurous robots that are wacky and crazy adventurers.

Sigmund Freud is a fox, that beleives that he is the incarnation of the late psychiatrist, hes starts bussines in the forest tryng to "help" people, or maybe just to earn money. He is self centered, arrogant and etc...hope you like

Because it sparkles so brilliantly. Comics by Keegan Basset Updates Monday

William Holmes, is your average guy with a dream; in thi case his dream is shared by many manga artist out there, To go to Japan, and be a Mangak, but the path is difficult.... A comedy strip, that is just pain weird

A story about zombies... two in fact.


Doriard's friends

  • kitsunesan
  • Ryan McLelland
  • webcomics heh
  • Volte6

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By Doriard

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