Public Profile


member since November 11, 2007


Hi my name is Angel and Im 16.

Likes: Painting, drawing, cooking, singing, dancing (not in public though) making friends, hanging with friends, and talking to my friends.

Dislikes: Anyone who disses my family, people who think highly of themselves and dont care about others, stuck up jerks/snobs, drama thats unneccassary

Personality: I say Im nice unless you get me mad. I say Im pretty fair when it comes to judging something.

I have a brother and a sister and since there older we got into fights ALOT so I know how to kick someones ass. I dont really say much. I keep to myself a lot when Im home. Im on the computer a lot and if Im not on the computer Im in my fantasy weird drawing.

Games: KINGDOM HEARTS! is a totally big one, Shadow the Hedgehog, James Bond (awesome!!) and Okami

TV Shows: One piece, BLEACH!!, a little bit of Naruto but not a lot (once in awhile Ill watch it), Journeyman (luvs), Prison Break, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (lol yea I know), Animaniacs (oldie but a goldie!), Static Shock (another oldie), Rurouni Kenshin (oh God havent seen that in forever), YuYuHakasho (another havent seen in a while), and thats about it

if you want to know anything else just QP me! Hope we turn out to be good friends! ^_^

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Darkness13's friends

  • kaion
  • Euron
  • Volte6

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Euron at 5:56PM, Nov. 26, 2007

Hullo there. Nice of you to add me, Kittgr- O_O I mean, Darkness13! ^_^; Nice of you to add me.

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