Public Profile


member since January 01, 2008


A prose writer by trade–written a few comics for my friend Mondo Funkys Awesomataz comic series. Thinking of getting some of my own original work out, as soon as I get past that whole DRAWING thing.

Comics By DarkKnightJRK

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Comics Assisted By DarkKnightJRK

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Comics Recomended By DarkKnightJRK

Set in such exiting locals as the comic book store, the office, and the Featureless White Void, Awesomataz is (mostly) the saga of Ted, Gary, Emoly, Torgo, Steve The Douchebag, and a ghost train who also happens to be a porn star, among others.

The moving story of a living nuclear warhead who goes to an elementary school in the post-apocalypse.

The badass adventures of a private investigator who rarely investigates. With his partners Bill Nye The Science Guy and the groovy Scruffy Rogen, Smoke battles suchg villains as The Abominable Mister Spydee, Shang The Oriental, and Blast Hardcheese

Ben Benson was a slacker comic illustrator until one fateful day when the God of the Dead Anubis gave him the power to turn into a zombie at will. Now he's a slacker superhero bringing the villains of the polluted city of St. Fredericks to justice!

DarkKnightJRK's friends

  • megan_rose
  • trevoramueller
  • Aurora Borealis
  • Mondo_Funky
  • DangerFace Studios
  • Volte6

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By DarkKnightJRK

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Mondo_Funky at 4:30PM, Feb. 11, 2008

That avatar is mega-awesome. You need to use it at Valboard.

Mondo_Funky at 4:22PM, Feb. 11, 2008

Do I...[I]know[/I] you?

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