Public Profile


member since July 07, 2007


Hello, my name is Joe… and I work in a button factory… Wait, no I dont. I work in a very nice little office and do pretty much nothing but surf the internet all day reading comics until my head hurts.

Im 31 years old, I have an amazing girlfriend, and a lovely little 6 year old daughter. I write pretty much anything, I can come up with a beginning, even an ending, but for some reason, getting from point A to point C is a real b****. Fantasy, fiction, sci-fi, horror, romance (read as soft core porn), even the occasional goth story… well, like I said, I write in pretty much everything.

I really cant think of much else to say, though. Drop a line and this skwerl will be sure to chatter.

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Dameos's friends

  • I heart artists
  • linda x
  • Volte6

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