Public Profile


member since January 01, 2008


… I like webcomics… Is that a good enough descrip?

Just kidding!
Dude, Ill get around to actually writing something in this funky box sooner or later… Until then youll just have to put up with that sad excuse for a joke…

Comics By Chuckee

No comics.

Comics Assisted By Chuckee

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Comics Recomended By Chuckee

Following centuries of imperial supremacy, the Empire is dying and barbarians are on the move. As the age of darkness seems imminent and inevitable, the people of this transitional world move to protect their interests

It's about friends living in a cabin in the woods! Nobody living here is even human-- and the ones that were, abandoned that nonsense long ago. There's also some kind of political and cosmic conflict brewing just beyond their doorstep, in the magical forest lands of Kellwood, but they're trying not to be involved in all that. Too bad some folks are just going to insist on dragging them into it whether they like it or not!

Follow the romantic adventures of the gloomy Pierrot, the young lady Colombine and the ever-smiling Harlequin.

A medieval knight and a Japanese ninja are forced to share an apartment in modern America. Can they achieve their missions without destroying each other?

The exploits of a socially-conscious weapons sales-orc on the world of Chirna.

It's about zombies. :D

Various miscellaneous strips I draw up, inspired by my nightly patrols of the dark depths of the Internet. Pretty much about whatever. Updates strictly according to "When I feel like it"

Strange things have started happening in the local cemetery since Fernando Fritz rose from his grave... could this zombie be the cause of all the weirdness, or does it just follow him? Updates every 13th of the month!


Chuckee's friends

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By Chuckee

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Serynzia at 10:30PM, March 5, 2009

Hey there, sorry 'bout that outburst. Kitten's a good friend of mine and I guess I misinterpreted what you wrote. I shouldn't have made that threat - internet dramasz is so overrated. Truce?

Serynzia at 5:22PM, March 3, 2009

On Kitten Karnivore's comic Lifeline, you posted: "Dude, get to page ten and I'll add this to my recoms... Very pretty art, but it's a tad bit annoying the way you put some of the replies in the top bubble. It makes it harder to follow. Bad artist! oO" Make constructive criticism if you wish, but calling her a bad artist is flat-out unacceptable. Do it again and I WILL make your life a living hell.

Hapoppo at 11:08PM, Feb. 27, 2009

Thanks for the add!

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