Public Profile


member since August 08, 2006


Hee hee. No comics created or assisted. One automatic trophy and one for actually taking the time to do this profile. Im a lazy little leech, no?

Comics By Cheesus_Is_Lord

No comics.

Comics Assisted By Cheesus_Is_Lord

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Cheesus_Is_Lord

comics about me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mostly my own slightly warped view on Life, Death, and the world in general.. Not really, this follows the lives of Death (Steve) and Life (Bobby) Along with the other mythical/magical beings that clutter up the place

Even in a magical world, unexplained phenomena can happen. That's where Eredicus, Aries and their colleagues come in. They explore the paranormal in a world of fantasy, mythical creatures, and strong magic.

"Yamete Kudasai - oshiri ga itai yo!" Follow some journey that you will not understand, consisting of two middle-less young men, sometimes their sensei, and maybe once in a while some panda or a pimpin', tentacled mochi. In a hat. Its YAOI! Not.

Cheesus_Is_Lord's friends

  • F_Allen
  • Viviane_ch
  • teddibaer
  • rosutokami
  • Volte6
  • twilight prince
  • fuzzyrobot
  • Joff

forum topics started

No topics.

Videos Shared By Cheesus_Is_Lord

No videos.




teddibaer at 10:18AM, June 10, 2008

Wailord is too big to hate you. reccomend my DDCWE, why don't you? It will have dinosaurs and explosions.

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