Public Profile


member since July 07, 2014


I've been drawing since I was about 5 or 6, and it's always been my main passion. I began my comic, Angels of the Fallen, when I was about 14. Since then it's undergone several redraws and revisions, as my drawing and story telling has improved. I spend my days working on this whilst mothering three small, crazy humans and a 95lb dog.

My preferred mediums are the traditional sort, particularly: pigment liners, watercolor, markers, and colored pencils.

Comics By BustyLaroo

  • Fantasy |
  • 141 pages |
  • last: April 20 2020 |
The world is on the brink of destruction at the hands of the demons. Their motives are unknown; their bloodshed merciless. Only the Fallen can stop them. But nobody has seen them in millennia. Nevermind that the task falls to one young woman and friends she's trying to reconnect with. Or that she has a few personal conflicts of her own... Falling in love is kind of hard when you have to find and reawaken ancient gods, battle demonic evil, and save the world. Updates Mondays and Thursday.

Comics Assisted By BustyLaroo

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BustyLaroo's friends

  • plymayer
  • Avart
  • bluecuts34
  • ShaRose49

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