Public Profile


member since June 06, 2007


My online name or nic is Boe.

I live at a small Island in northern Europe known as Iceland.

Im about to finish Collage with a degree in computer Engineering.

And Ive just started to work for a bank where I do lots and lots of weary interesting and unspecific things.

I like to do allot of outdoor things like: skiing, running, biking, bowling, etc..etc..etc…..
and when Im lasy I read webcomics.

If you are so bored as to bother reading this crap, drop me a line at egils$, I warn you though, I dont read that email. It how aver, is my msn contact address.

Comics By Boe

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Comics Assisted By Boe

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Comics Recomended By Boe

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Boe's friends

  • Volte6
  • F_Allen
  • beautiful_shinigami
  • dragodraconis
  • Tatsu

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By Boe

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