Public Profile


member since December 12, 2007


Holy crap, this whole area to myself?

Well, I have a tournament comic I started after watching my two favourite tournaments go bust:-
Ultimate Tourny of Ultimate Fighting
Demon Hells Touniment

After which I decided to make my own. I mean, if I like them so much, making and running one should be twice as fun right? …Right.

I currently only have one sprite sheet which is myself, Audio. I must say, I do quite rock. XD

Uhm, drop me a PQ sometime. Im so lonely. XD
Oh, and if you wonder where Plain Air came from for my comics title… I was doing French homework and had to translate plein air which means open air. I liked the ring Plein Air Tournament had, but Open Air sounded good too. So I used a more English spelling for my comics name - Plain Air Tournament, but because I liked Open Air Tournament, I kept that name in the thumbnail for the comic, clear as mud, right?

Comics By Audio

  • Fantasy |
  • 1 page |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Derp. A tournament comic. I could quite easily do this in or Photoshop. But I'm lazy. Enjoy~

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Audio's friends

  • poliwirl100
  • kaion
  • Hero_Alex
  • Volte6
  • JayX
  • Leon the Armadilldo
  • republic56

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