Public Profile


member since February 02, 2006


Drunkducks #1 headbanger!

I am 18, have been drawing for as long as I can remember. My influences include Frank Millers work (Sin City mainly), Todd McFarlanes Spawn, and Kentarou Miuras Berserk.

Comics By Anatak

  • Horror |
  • 15 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
  • 1 like
A man who has suffered torment no man should, now questioning his own humanity, into the darkness he has been cast. Betrayed, forgotten by God, there is no hope. End it all, end it all and be free.

Comics Assisted By Anatak

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Anatak

You're not as crazy as you think you are..

A medieval knight and a Japanese ninja are forced to share an apartment in modern America. Can they achieve their missions without destroying each other?

Lola is the story of a sad, sad 13 (now 14) year old girl, who lives with her eccentric grandmother. After just entering junior high school, Lola begins to make new friends and go about life like every other normal kid...of course "normal" is relative.

Dark and twisted,yet stays crunchy in milk! Delicious humor with a fun toy surprise.

A woman suffers a tragic death. When she awakens in a land that is beyond life but not entirely past death, she must seek a way to discover where she is and how to return to the land of the living...

SUPAH NARIO BROTHERS! it's like naruto but it's not. it's more like mario, but not really. it's just...oekaki parody crap! as seen at

Connor is caught in a series of disturbing dreams, the only way to stop these dreams is to uncover a secret burried in the past. Only Connor can resolve this puzle through his dreams...


Anatak's friends

  • Volte6
  • ttyler
  • D0m
  • Skulldog
  • RentAThug
  • Chaz McRich
  • patrickdevine
  • Th_Mole
  • madbastard

forum topics started

Videos Shared By Anatak

No videos.




D0m at 1:35PM, June 23, 2007

You recommended Nadya?? Ogod, thanks <3

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