Public Profile


member since October 10, 2009


Hi, theres a lot of things I could try to say about myself… but when I try nothing comes to mine.

My name is Lexi and I am a little bit on the strange side. A lot of people like me but i feel a like my personality is very ugly.

There is a multitude of voices in my head every time I step into the tiny room up there.

I am very lazy and tend to think that I will do things later but completely forget about it until someone yells at me for not doing it.

I am probably going to start a bunch of comics but never finish them… but I will try for you all.

P.S. My first one is likely to be a story called Diaries of a winter girl.

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  • Limzee
  • Volte6

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Limzee at 8:31AM, Nov. 3, 2009

]8< Do something on DD! Dx Your profile is GHOSTLY!

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