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member since December 12, 2006
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- 92 pages |
- last: Dec. 6 2012 |
BLACKOUT DRUNK is a comedic look at a college student named Rod.
The story follows the crazy exploits and screwball antics of this inebriated self proclaimed Romeo, as he wakes to find himself getting into one escapade after another.
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DaxxonFord at 4:46PM, Aug. 1, 2007
Nicol3 at 9:25PM, July 31, 2007
Tee Hee, "69" friends. Like I said before, I love the comic, and I totally can't wait for more laughs. I don't care how many internal organ I bust open in the process.
xilense at 6:15PM, July 28, 2007
Thanks for the add! Keep up the good work.
marine at 4:29PM, July 28, 2007
Thou would dare to befriend a beast such as myself? Why would thine do such an act?
oneminutecomics at 3:16AM, July 27, 2007
Yihaaah Jusy showing some love here. Great comic guys! Love the logo too.
that kid yellow at 8:58PM, July 23, 2007
no problem i told you since day one your comic would be known.....but you probably wont see that comment anymore cause they delete my past comments some people complained bout me lol. but anyways great job ya'll are doing a fantastic job.i wish i had a tea of my own.keep it up.
Conned at 10:39AM, May 26, 2007
Thanks for the add :D It's one hellova comic...
ToonmanAZ at 4:09PM, May 24, 2007
Thanks for the add! Great comic.
dgriff13 at 1:59PM, May 24, 2007
sweet comic, man! Thanks for the add ;0)