Episode 38 - QuackCast+, Sharing and Stuff
Aug 9, 2011
Aside from a hilarious clip by VegaX to promote "Duck and Quail", skoolmunkee is on her own this week. She takes the opportunity to think out loud about community involvement, Google+, and the idea of a site-wide poll.
Topics and Show Notes
Featured Comics:
Lite Bites - http://www.drunkduck.com/Lite_bites/
/>Duck and Quail - http://www.drunkduck.com/Duck_and_Quail/
The Duck Help Site in progress
Community involvement:
- Contributing to "Lite Bites" or "Duck and Quail"
- Other current projects!
- Ideas for new projects!
- Joint project with Comic Fury?
- updated DD URLs needed for http://www.dragoneers.com/crossovers/
Google+ - How webcomic-ers could use it
- Getting in early, easier networking?
- Sharing STUFF (content!)
- Short stories to attract new audience
- Tutorials, side content, etc.
- Fan groups
- Hangouts or Sparks?
- Ryan Estrada's Google+ is a great example
Site-wide poll thoughts
- type of questions?
- used for what?
- your thoughts gladly heard!
Episode 37 - QuackCast, the Animated Series
Aug 2, 2011
Hawk of 'Culture Shock' joins skoolmunkee this week, as ozoneocean is away. They have a good time without him though, talking a while about animation and webcomics.
Episode 36 - Embrace the Rainbow
Jul 19, 2011
ozoneocean and skoolmunkee talk about color in this more conversational QuackCast. What it is, ways you can use it, what interests them about it... so a little bit of shop talk, but hopefully something there of interest to listeners!
Episode 35 - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Partner
Jul 13, 2011
We all know ozoneocean doesn't need skoolmunkee's help, but sometimes it's nice to collaborate. There's pros and cons to working with others, which is what this episode is all about.
Episode 34 - The (Drunk) Duck: A Bird of Many Colors
Jul 5, 2011
With the real, actual site changeover this week, oz and skool decide it's a good time to talk about the long and occasionally sordid history of their favorite inebriated waterfowl. The Duck may be sober now but it will always be hammered in our hearts.
Episode 33 - Here Comes The Metric System, Part 2
Jun 28, 2011
ShadowsMyst (Mistress of Marketing, and creator of Brymstone and Shifters) is back this week for Part 2 of a double-cast, all about the numbers and data behind your comics! There's more discussion in this second half about targeting efforts, gathering information in unusual ways, and search engine optimization.
Episode 32 - Here Comes The Metric System, Part 1
Jun 21, 2011
ShadowsMyst (Mistress of Marketing, and creator of Brymstone and Shifters) is back this week for part 1 of a double-cast, all about the numbers and data behind your comics, what they mean to you, and tools you can use to get them! With particular focus on Google Analytics...
Episode 31 - I Want to Debate About Webcomics, Like Common People Do
Jun 14, 2011
This week skool and oz review some common debates in webcomics, the ones there are no right answers for, and go over some of the pros and cons of each side. Our points may be old-hat to some, but everyone's got an opinion on these and they're worth thinking about!