The telling of stories, in a big way, is about working emotions. A major reason stories have the power they do is that the great ones wring emotions out of us, and take us through some kind of emotional journey.
In a movie or TV show, things are different than ...

Video, Prose, and Comics
Banes at 12:00AM, Nov. 7, 2024The Many Faces of Fear
Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Oct. 5, 2024
Hello there my fellow Quackernauts! As it’s the spooky season, what better time is there to explore one of my favourite genres, horror. Horror is many things, but at its core it’s intention is to challenge the human mind; to remind us that, despite all our attempts to ...
Fooled Ya!
Banes at 12:00AM, April 4, 2024
Here we are - Thursday again! I tells ya, the weeks and months just FLY by.
It was April Fool's Day the other day, and I was thinking about stories, and how sometimes books, TV shows, movies, or whatever will try and FOOL us. Like, the entire story is a ...
A movie playing a movie disguised as another movie
Banes at 12:00AM, Nov. 23, 2023
There's a specific type of movie “trick” where we'll see something that seems as though it's really happening. I mean, it seems like it's “really happening” within the movie.
For instance, it'll be some kind of elaborate action sequence, or horror sequence, or whatever, but ...
Subtly Subjective
Banes at 12:00AM, Sept. 14, 2023
On a recent Quackcast episode here on the duck, Ozoneocean made an interesting point about some older raunchy comedies.
The point was that in some of these movies, the female characters were presented a certain way, maybe not as three-dimensional as the male characters, or maybe came across more sexual ...
Quackcast 637 - Rumours
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 30, 2023 LISTEN on our new player!
Listen on Stitcher -
Or TuneinRadio -–Literature/Drunkduck-Quackcast-p1150194/
Rumours can be damaging stories deliberately spread to harm people, they can grow organically of their own accord. Salacious rumours replace truth and stick around in history ...
Quackcast 631 - Entitlements
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 18, 2023 LISTEN on our new player!
Listen on Stitcher -
Or TuneinRadio -–Literature/Drunkduck-Quackcast-p1150194/
What rights are people actually entitled to? That question is a lot bigger than you think!
The Quackcast today is sequel to last week's about entitled ...
Writing in an existing Fictional Universe
Banes at 12:00AM, March 3, 2022
I asked Genejoke if he would answer a few questions about his comic Albion, which
takes place in the Universe Star Trek.
You can read Albion here:
And you can read the interview right here!
So, why did you choose to do a comic set ...
The Twist
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Feb. 19, 2022
I remember the first time I watched The Others in the cinema. (how I miss going there…)
It was an awesome experience. Not only because the horror/thriller film was excellently shot with really good actors, but because it played with shadows and your mind in an elegant but unforgiving ...
Is it Luck?
damehelsing at 12:00AM, June 27, 2021
Have you seen ”The Road to El’Dorado”? If you pay attention to the movie, the whole thing is pretty much based on luck.
Spoilers ahead if you haven’t watched the movie!
We witness luck happening from the start of the movie when Miguel and Tulio have been using ...