Been a while since we did a mythology themed FanBest article, so here we go. Based on suggestions left by our beloved Ozoneocean on the last Fanbest article, I’m gonna talk about the Rainbow Serpent this Sunday. The Rainbow Serpent is an Aboriginal Australian deity known by numerous names ...
Fantastic Bestiary 14: The Rainbow Serpent
Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, Oct. 2, 2022Fantastic Bestiary 13: The Galerian
Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, Sept. 18, 2022
This is gonna be a bit of an obscure pop cultural Fantastic Bestiary rundown, but heck with it, it’s my article series and I’m doing it anyway. I’m gonna talk about the Galerians today. To start off, Galerians is a tank-control style survival horror video game for ...
Fantastic Bestiary 12: The Na’vi
Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, Aug. 28, 2022
Another pop cultural fantastic bestiary Sunday. Anybody remember the movie Avatar? Not the kung-fu fantasy one, the tribal sci-fi one. The James Cameron’s Avatar as it was marketed. I still remember it being the movie that REALLY set the standard for what CGI technology can do cinematically, making this ...
Fantastic Bestiary 11: The Kaiju
Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, Aug. 21, 2022
Thought I try to get back on doing Sunday articles with more meat to them. So! It’s fantastic bestiary time! And this time I’ve choosen a creature of pop culture rather then myth. The giant monster! Popularly known as the Kaiju! Who doesn’t like a good giant ...
Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, June 19, 2022
Gonna take another pause from the fantastic bestiary on this Sunday’s article and instead talk about wonder in fiction. First off, what is wonder? If you put the word wonder into google translate it is described as ”a feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beutiful, remarkable or ...
Fantastic Bestiary 10: The Scandinavian Troll
Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, June 12, 2022
So! Back to mythology. And we are going back to my place again, good ol’ Scandinavia. In the summertime no less when the color green is everywhere, the fields are high and trolls come sneaking down from their magically hidden caves and mountain kingdoms. To me the Scandinavian depiction of ...
Fantastic Bestiary 9: The Wookie
Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, June 5, 2022
In this newspost I thought I’d start breaking away from myth a little bit. So far I’ve brought up species and entities from myth and legend, but this is not a series of articles that is just about mythical fiction, but also popular fiction. So! Wookies! Absolutely iconic ...
Fantastic Bestiary 8: The Mermaid
Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, May 29, 2022
Recently it struck me. So far I’ve already brought up two water-based mythic beings in this series of articles, and non of them were mermaids. Which is why I’ve decided to talk about them here today. We’re pretty much all familiar with mermaids. Though maybe not as ...
Fantastic Bestiary 7: The Goblin
Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, May 22, 2022
So it is Sunday again. Following up on the suggestion left by Kou the Mad in my last article, today’s Sunday’s Fantastic Bestiary post is gonna be about Goblins. We’re pretty much all familiar with goblins. Ever since Tolkien they’ve become a common stock creature in ...
Fantastic Bestiary 6: The Oni
Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, May 15, 2022
And we’re back with Fantastic Bestiary number 6. Being the number 6 in this series of articles I thought I’d bring up a mythic creature of a particularly devilish kind of aestethic. And as this week’s featured comic, featured by our beloved Ozoneocean, happened to be about ...