Big changes are coming! In this Quackcast we talk about what happened to the duck, what's happening now and what we're trying to make happen in the future. Banes and I chat about all this stuff. Some the most important aspects we mention are the new ...
QUACKCAST Episode 140 - Ducks of future past, episode ZERO
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 5, 2013Ozone's Thorsday post!
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 7, 2013
So this is my attempt to follow Skoolmunkee, but first…
Princess_Gretz says: My comic "the WTF series" Is going to reach 25 pages!
That was a cool bit of news. Catch that comic while it's hot, new and fresh! Princes Gretz has another fine looking comic that's just ...
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