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As promised we dive right into the second half of the Star Wars chat! We cover all the Star Wars stuff besides the original trilogy and the ...
QUACKCAST 449 - Star Wars 2 the franchise strikes back
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 22, 2019New free/cheap resources thread in the forums, and several milestones!
skoolmunkee at 12:43PM, Jan. 7, 2011Salsa has begun an Ultimate Digital Artist's resource on a shoe string (or no string) budget., which is “a big honking list of programs and resources that people can use” which are free or cheap! Have a look, think about contributing something, or find a new program to try ...
Professor Layton and the Drunk Duck Newspost
skoolmunkee at 1:08PM, Nov. 9, 2010
Layton: Well Luke! It certainly looks as though we have a completely improbable mystery to solve!
Luke: You bet Professor! I hope it turns out better than the one where we hallucinated the whole thing!
Layton: Yes…. remember, let's not tell your father about that one! Before we begin ...
News you can stuff yourself with!
skoolmunkee at 5:23AM, Nov. 26, 2009Thanksgiving is here! It's that one day of the year when being grateful and sappy is OK, you're allowed to fall asleep watching TV all day, and everyone sits down to a big spaghetti dinner flavored with family arguments.
You folks not in America, you can do like ...