Six weeks ago, at the end of my article titled “Psychopomps and Death Personified”, I asked the question: Can you think of any examples of the personification of Death in a comic? How about on Drunk Duck (Yes, you can plug your own comic)?
Much to my delight, fellow community ...
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 30, 2017QUACKCAST 282 - MOOD
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 2, 2016 LISTEN!
Art by Ozoneocean
The topic of THIS particular Quackcast is MOOD! And for no particular reason I dressed as the Mad Hatter, as typified by Tom Petty in the film clip to Don't Come Around here No More… So that was the mood of this Quackast… We based ...
THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> Crossoverkill
Ozoneocean at 12:42AM, Nov. 4, 2010
Crossoverkill is a team effort by many of webcomics authors featuring characters from Bad Guy High, Energize, Fusion, Valkyrie Yuuki, Majestic Knight, Magellan, and Mindmistress. This is a fantastic community project comic produced by many members of our community here at DD as well as some other great webcomic artists ...
DD Mafia, Milestones, and a bunch of stuff from Villain Next Door!
skoolmunkee at 12:41AM, April 16, 2009
The Drunk Duck Mafia Comic has hit 100 pages! The Mafia game is really fun, and being in the comic (which Niccea and others so generously do) is an extra bonus to playing! It's fun to read the comic and re-live the game, each one ends up being a ...