Redlettermedia, in an old review of Michael Bay's Pain and Gain, contrasted that movie to The Wolf of Wall Street, directed by Martin Scorsese.
In the Wolf of Wall Street, the RLM guys say, there's a subtext that we're ALL capable of the mistakes the main character ...
At Them With Them
Banes at 12:00AM, Sept. 7, 2023QUACKCAST 454 - Are Marvel movies "Despicable"?
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 26, 2019
Are Marvel movies despicable?,
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Francis Ford Coppola,
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Martin Scorsese,
Quackcast 454,
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This week we look at the famous quote by respected film director Martin Scorsese that “Marvel movies aren't Cinema” and also the quote by fellow director ...
Points of view - part two - Unreliable
Banes at 12:00AM, March 8, 2018
Last week we talked a little pov basics.
This time, how about we talk the fascinating device called the Unreliable Narrator. For anyone who doesn't know, this type of narration (usually first person in prose, but not necessarily) tells the story in question…but is not necessarily giving an ...
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