Every week I do a newspost about “this week's Quackcast”, but what IS that?
Well, it's pretty simple: it's the official Drunk Duck podcast!
We've been recording these every week (pretty much) since 2010! We talk about the site, drawing, comicing, story and writing techniques, pop-culture ...
QUACKCAST 263 - WHY do a webcomic?
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 22, 2016 LISTEN!
Art by Ozoneocean
Why do you do the kind of webcomic you do? Why? Why? WRRRRRRRRHHHHYYYYY? This was the question asked by Genejoke, one of our favourite DDers. This jolly gent asked a whole possy of posers related to that subject and I thought that it provoked some interesting ...
QUACKCAST 262 - DUCK Radio 3
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 15, 2016 LISTEN!
Art by Ozoneocean
WELCOME to the final part of the Radio D.U.C.K. trilogy! This is where we put all the rest of Gunwallace's amazing songs AND a special treat for you as well listeners: Jimmy's Folly. Our radio DJs have gone just a little ...
QUACKCAST 261 - D.U.C.K. Radio2
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 8, 2016 LISTEN!
Art by Ozoneocean
Radio D.U.C.K. has come again for part number TWO! Bringing you ALL of Gunwallace's lovely tunes, one after another. This time we get to meet Evangelist for DD Reverend Carlton Crackers, SciFi Hour with Kurt and Steve, Woman 1 and Woman 2 ...
QUACKCAST 260 - D.U.C.K. Radio1
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 1, 2016 LISTEN!
Art by Ozoneocean
Welcome to D.U.C.K. Radio! Get ready for your DJs: Smooth Ramone, Hard rock Jimmy Storm (BRINING THE THUNDER!!!), Weatherman Rhet Blanket, Conspiracy theorist Smiley Fraudson, and hilarious* Maple and The Syrup (*they're not funny). This is the first part of Radio DUCK ...
Quackcast 258 - Gunwallace music special
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 16, 2016 LISTEN!
We have a special treat this time! Gunwallace is our guest and he's brought with him 15 of his fave tracks that he created as themes for DD webcomics. For two years Gunwallace has been creating fantastic musical themes for webcomics, the total is now over 90! He ...
Quackcast 177 - Charby the Vampirate forever!
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 29, 2014 LISTEN!
- Pic by Amelius
Guess who we had on THIS week? It was Amelius and Evil Emperor Nick! The husband and wife powerhouse behind some very popular comics on DD including Charby The Vampirate and Cwen's Quest. We haven't had them on since Quackcast 10 and 11 ...
Quackcast 176 - Endings, part 3
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 22, 2014 LISTEN!
- Pic by Genejoke
For our FINAL part of our discussion of story endings we talk about yet MORE ending tropes, methods and styles. In a fit of towering arrogance and indefensible pomposity we even trash the mighty Shakespeare for his ending of Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet! Our ...
Quackcast 175 - Endings, part 2
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 15, 2014 LISTEN!
- Pic by Genejoke
Arrrr, this be the second part of our discussion on writing ENDINGS in stories of all kinds, particularly for webcomics! But we discuss a few movie and TV endings here, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, No Country For Old Men, True Detective, and Dexter ...
Quackcast 174 - Endings, part 1
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 8, 2014 LISTEN!
- Pic by Genejoke
This is the end, Beautiful friend, This is the end, My only friend, the end… so drones Jim Morrison in the classic Doors song, but this isn't the end, rather it's a Quackcast ABOUT endings! Today we talk about the ends of stories ...