strixvanallen writes:
Hi! I just wanted to report a personal milestone. After more or less 400 pages, Bram & Vlad was finished (I don't think that ‘completed’ is the best term, since it was made of episodic comic strips). I just want to thank this great community for all the ...
The 400 Page Epic of Bram and Vlad by Strixvanallen has Ended
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, April 23, 2018Quackcast 352 - Help make DD better! Comment notifications! More play
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 12, 2017 LISTEN!
In this Quackcast we cover a few different things! FIRST up is our latest campaign to give YOU comment and reply notifications so that you can see who has commented on your comic pages easily, you can respond to them right away, then they'll KNOW you replied and ...
Quackcast 268 - the antagonist-cast
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 26, 2016 LISTEN!
Art by Ozoneocean
On the Quackcast we've talked about villains plenty of times before. This time it's very different though… I wanted people to talk about their OWN villains, to promote their comic as if the antagonist was the main character, to give their antagonists the time ...
The Freewheelin' 2015
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Dec. 28, 2015
Two-thousand fifteen started off with Kroatz wishing everyone in the Drunk Duck forums “growth, satisfaction, and purpose, even if it comes with an almost equal amount of suffering and loss.” I do not believe any statement made in this last year comes as close to this to sum up the ...
Quackcast 240 - The Vampcast - Costumecast
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 13, 2015 LISTEN!
Happy October, the month of Halloween! For this quackcast we had Tantz Aerine and Pitface along and we did the entire thing full dressed in costume WHILE vidcasting, which was very distracting. We got a few minutes and iffy quality video of the event too. Unfortunately I'm not ...