Episode 16 - Take One Whole Mess of Comic Creators, Add A Project
Ozoneocean and Skoolmunkee describe some past and present community projects, talk about how great they are to do, describe some quick methods for managing them and keeping them going, as well as encouraging more people to participate in ...
QUACKCAST Episode 16 - Take One Whole Mess of Comic Creators, Add A Project
Ozoneocean at 4:15AM, March 1, 2011THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> FAIL
Ozoneocean at 12:52AM, Feb. 24, 2011
FAIL: Fascists for American Integrity and Leadership. Conspiracy! FAIL weaves one hell of a beautiful conspiracy. Ever wondered at the connections between 9/11, wars, wikileaks, the economy…? Well instead of those annoying tinfoil hat theories, this comic makes them all part of an entertaining story, stick with it, it ...
Quackcast 15, Part 2 is up! Advertising and external promotion
skoolmunkee at 12:44AM, Feb. 22, 2011
Quackcast 15, Part 2: How to Advertise Your Webcomic, Make Friends and Influence People! (cont.)
ozoneocean and skoolmunkee continue their comprehensive look at how to advertise one's comic. A great source of ideas, and maybe some things you didn't know about!
Topics and Show Notes
* Profile-raising and Networking ...
Hello! Welcome to January! Some news for you?
skoolmunkee at 5:24AM, Jan. 2, 2011chrixena
Am I the only one who thinks of Count Rugen shouting “Not to 50!” when reporting 50 pages? :-)
"Rune: a Tale of Wizards and Kings" has reached 50 pages, with two issues done and the third issue just starting.
I also had a baby a three weeks ago, so ...
The catalogue of awesome, and some awesome milestones too
skoolmunkee at 8:35AM, Oct. 29, 2010Sorry this is slightly late guys, I've had a distracting week and whenever I remembered I had a newspost to do I was away from the computer or already in bed or something. Also um I have kind of been playing New Vegas a lot. But here it is ...
genejoke of Malefic interviewed! And a send-off for one of our mods!
skoolmunkee at 2:28AM, Aug. 18, 2010Submissions for WowioTV during SDCC, new mods, new community project, new milestones! IT'S HUGE
skoolmunkee at 3:10PM, June 30, 2010Okay guys, there's a lot of stuff in this newspost, so I hope you're paying attention!
First up, and maybe most interesting to everybody, is something from Wowio. There's three parts:
1. They will be at San Diego Comic-Con and want to know which DDers will be ...
End your weekend the right way with DD member interviews!
skoolmunkee at 3:43PM, April 18, 2010Okay! Tonight I've got two milestones for you!
On Monday, The Author (by The Author) hits its 250th comic! So if you like authors, author author? Author!
Canadian Gamers by jninjashadow has reached 125 pages! Are you implying that Canadian gamers are different than regular gamers? That's disciminatory ...
DD member interviews! Milestones! And a DD Store promotion!
skoolmunkee at 3:41PM, April 11, 2010There is still lots of room for people (there is exactly as much room as I decide there is) to participate in the Quack With The Ducks project! Essentially, if you have a comic with 20 or more pages, you can sign up to give someone an interview, and get ...
I can has interviewz?
skoolmunkee at 6:10AM, Aug. 13, 2009OK! We've had a steady stream of these in the Interviews forum and they are all worth checking out! But for today, we have elektro interviewing subs of WGO! subs is from the uncommon location of Estonia!
-What inspired you to make comics, and where do the ideas for ...