Digital drawing on a tablet

Ozoneocean at 6:00AM, Dec. 13, 2016

I promised a follow up to how I do digital drawing specifically, not in general!
(Original article on digital drawing -
Well, here's an example, it's not a great one, but I did it yesterday so it's nice and ...

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Quackcast 301 - Let it snow!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 13, 2016

Art by Ozoneocean

Banes and Pitface live in a parallel world to me where this time of year involves water falling from the sky in the form of fluffy white crystals. When it hits the ground it piles up on top of itself into huge white piles! Freaky, I ...

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ONE DAY LEFT to sign up for Secret Santa!

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Dec. 9, 2016

Secret Santa sign-ups are due tomorrow! The sign-up thread is here:

Here's how it works:

Step One - Deadline: December 10th

Sign up! Let us know what you'd like a picture of. Your comic character wearing an ugly Christmas sweater? An epic ...

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S'now Time Like the Present

Banes at 12:00AM, Dec. 1, 2016
tags: banes, snow, thursday

We had a big snowfall two weeks ago, and I was out driving the city in it (I have a part time delivery job).

My car and I held up pretty well in it, and that was satisfying. As the news warned people to stay off the roads, I was ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Fading World

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 4, 2016

Deep in a frozen icy waste, a story of dark treachery and vicious slaughter is unfolding. A returning elven caravan is beset by a massive hoard of vicious snow dwelling Shuntacks. The twilight world is rent by the sound of battle and the spilling of hot blood. This is a ...

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QUACKCAST 264 - How to improve your online presence

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 29, 2016

Art by ShadowsMyst

In this Quackcast we interview Marie Tary, AKA ShadowsMyst. We haven't talked to her since Quackcast 32 and 33 way back in 2011 when Skoolmunkee and I interviewed her about The art of analytics and how to market your webcomics properly. Now Banes and I ...

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The Ultimate List of 2015 Featured Comics

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 11, 2016

Searching for the Featured Comics that are on Drunk Duck's front page every Wednesday are the bread and butter of my week. Most of the time, the work poured into a webcomic project is one of great passion and a lot of time because. The artistic abilities of comic ...

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And To All A Good Night

Banes at 12:00AM, Dec. 24, 2015
tags: 2015, Christmas, Eve

I love Christmas Eve. Possibly more than Christmas Day. Both are great fun, and reuniting with friends and relatives I rarely see is delightful of course.

But the quiet anticipation of Christmas Eve is where it's at. For me it's usually a day off work, wrapping (occasionally running ...

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2015 Secret Santa Sign-Ups!

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Nov. 13, 2015

The absolutely incredible gift art I got from fallopiancrusader last year!

We had our first tiny snowfall today (surprisingly late for us), which means that I am officially allowed to start preparing for Christmas! And it wouldn't be Christmas without DRUNK DUCK SECRET SANTA!

I'm doing Secret Santa ...

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Happy Halloween, DDers!

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Oct. 30, 2015

Here's a little Drunk Duck Halloween roundup!

Okay, this isn't really Halloween related, but your vote for the DD Awards' best presenter is due October 31st! Also check out the awards for ongoing extras.

There's still time to submit your character in their awesome Halloween costume for ...

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