Quackcast 273 - Promoting Side Characters

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 31, 2016

Art by Ozoneocean

After last week's massive DD meetup (Next one is on the 18th, BE THERE!), we're back to the core group… me and my side characters, hahaha! Banes, Pitface, and Tantz Aerine join me to discuss the topic of promoting from within the ranks. I ...

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Quackcast 272 - DD electric people, community meetup

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 24, 2016

Art by Ozoneocean

State your business!
Venerable Drunkducker Ayesinback suggested we have an open electronic meetup of DD people, so that's exactly what we did! We all met up in a long Skype session that lasted 10 hours- various DDers dropped in and out over that time and ...

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Quackcast 271 - Pitface’s tales of ribaldry

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 17, 2016

Art by Ozoneocean

What makes the “meat” of a story? What makes you fall in love with it, keep coming back for more watches or reads or whatever? I contend it has nothing to do with conflict or culminations or climaxes, those are merely generic structural plottings that are ...

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Quackcast 270 - Historical Accuracy Vs Story Needs part 2

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 10, 2016

Art by Ozoneocean

We return to the topic of historical accuracy versus the needs the the story. This was Bravo's idea and we wanted to have him along but alas it was not to be! Tantz Aerine, Pitface, Banes and I discuss the topic, reading from a few ...

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Quackcast 269 - Historical Accuracy VS Story Needs

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 3, 2016

Art by Ozoneocean

Never let historical accuracy get in the way of a good story… at least that's what Bravo proposes. We stole his thought provoking forum post subject for the topic of this Quackcast. This is how Bravo goes on to explain it:
“So how do feel ...

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Quackcast 268 - the antagonist-cast

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 26, 2016

Art by Ozoneocean

On the Quackcast we've talked about villains plenty of times before. This time it's very different though… I wanted people to talk about their OWN villains, to promote their comic as if the antagonist was the main character, to give their antagonists the time ...

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Quackcast 267 - The DD Community asks Banes

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 19, 2016

Art by Ozoneocean

In Quackcast 266 we interviewed the mad Mr Banes… We turned a giant battleship spotlight around and shone it directly into his eyes and bombarded him with high explosive armour piercing questions until he eventually failed under the onslaught, keeled over and sunk down into the ...

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Quackcast 266 - An evening with Banes

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 12, 2016

Art by Ozoneocean

Banes, in case you were unaware, is the gold plated titanium platinum alloyed anchor of the Quackcast. This stand-up Canadian gent has been a solid part of DD for a while now, without his great humour, jovial personality, great talent, and lightning wit this podcast would ...

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Quackcast 265 - Drunk Duck updates and the future

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 5, 2016

Art by Ozoneocean

For Quackcast 265 I wanted to steer the direction toward the idea of future fixes and features for Drunk Duck! We talked a bit about the 2nd wave of fixes that will be happening now- HippieVan worked to gather people's suggestions for the most important ...

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