Welcome back! A bunch of news for you - a belated gift!

skoolmunkee at 10:28AM, Dec. 27, 2010

I hope everyone's holidays are going well! We've got one (or more) down and one to go. The last week of the year is a pretty unique time so I hope people are enjoying it!

First up, we've got one more Drunk Duck member interview! This time ...

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A bit of comic news for your holiday! Everybody be safe and have fun!

skoolmunkee at 11:09AM, Dec. 24, 2010

Hey guys! Don't forget that the Drunk Duck newsposts now have an RSS feed! Get DD news right in your RSS reader!

Larry has a double announcement! firstly, sucks has reached 50 comics! Congrats! Secondly, Barry Reviews Webcomics ended earlier this week. There's not really an anti-congrats… I ...

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MONDAY FEATURE -> Verse Hoppers

skoolmunkee at 12:31AM, Dec. 6, 2010

Jamie is an overexuberant college student whose job is to help construct a rather mysterious city-centre ziggurat. Because every city should have one, right? She's cheerfully enthusiastic about… well, everything, even the elephant-drugged ninja that appears outside her apartment one evening and is almost run over by a train ...

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Trick-or-Treat MAFIA signups, milestones, and a list of contests! - UPDATED

skoolmunkee at 11:30AM, Oct. 19, 2010

MAFIA XXXVI: Trick or Townston is taking sign ups! This is a fun forum game, and this time around it's Halloween-themed (of course!) It's trick-or-treaters versus monsters. What gruesome deaths are in store?!

The Mafia promo pic is done by rokulily, who also says:

i'm also ...

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More news! A contest! Also there are a lot of pirate-talking people around today!

skoolmunkee at 8:00AM, Sept. 19, 2010

Contest - I just started Round 1 of the 2010 edition of my “Create-a-Character Contest” which will run until mid-October. People are invited to vote on aspects that will help create a brand new character for Apple Valley. Each vote is also an entry for a drawing that will be ...

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Would you like to be on WowioTV?! and your regular fix of milestones etc!

skoolmunkee at 1:38PM, Aug. 7, 2010

You may have noticed the little WowioTV addition to the righthand sidebar- WowioTV is going to become a regular thing, and Wowio wants to make sure there's Drunk Duck content! That means there's an open invitation to you DDers who feel like dabbling in a little broadcasting! Video ...

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Look out behind you! Is that a NEWS?

skoolmunkee at 2:34PM, Aug. 4, 2010

Sorry everyone! I thought I made a newspost on Monday or something, but I am forgetful and apparently only made one on Saturday (after forgetting to post it on Friday). Oz also had to take care of the Help forum for me because I forgot to check that since the ...

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Submissions for WowioTV during SDCC, new mods, new community project, new milestones! IT'S HUGE

skoolmunkee at 3:10PM, June 30, 2010

Okay guys, there's a lot of stuff in this newspost, so I hope you're paying attention!

First up, and maybe most interesting to everybody, is something from Wowio. There's three parts:

1. They will be at San Diego Comic-Con and want to know which DDers will be ...

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OK- The site should be working again. No more vanishing stuff? Also, MAFIAAAAAAA

skoolmunkee at 3:12PM, Feb. 17, 2010

It was, as we suspected, related to the server changes going on. They were trying to turn off the old database, but things here and there were still referencing the old server. So, while the servers re-synched, brief timespans of changes weren't saved. Platinum has been very apologetic and ...

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Super gigantic newspost coming to destroy your city, news at 11

skoolmunkee at 5:15AM, Feb. 7, 2010

Hellooooooooooo! It's a long one this time around, because I didn't manage to get an earlier newspost done this week. It's been pretty busy for me but things are a little slower now. Much thanks to Oz who picked up my slack (especially during the stuff after ...

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