Stock images and backgrounds

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, July 24, 2020

My comic partner and I are in the process of updating one of our comic series. We’re doing this in part to fill some plot holes (and potentially dig some new ones). However we’re also updating the artwork as it is quite old now and doesn’t match ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> The Second Crimean War

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 5, 2020

It's 1995, the fall of the Soviet Union has gone hard for its former states, particularly Ukraine, which has partiallly collapsed into anrachy. This is the story of a young person with a shotgun struggling to survive the harsh winter alone in the snow, hiding from fellow humans in ...

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The Weather as Prop

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Aug. 10, 2019

So the weather is very important. We all know that from our real life routine alone.

There is often a tendency, however, not to use it when it comes to the visual narrative that webcomics are. More often than not, the weather is basically perpetually clear. Daylight or moonlight are ...

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San Diego Comic Con Rocks Southern California this Week

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 15, 2019

San Diego Comic Con comes to town in a few days to begin a new Hotelacolypse, or when hotels run out of space in downtown San Diego. The line ups are going to range from new film and series announcements with the casts of Game of Thrones, IT 2, and ...

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Subverting expectations ≠ good storytelling

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, May 17, 2019

When creating a story you begin leading the reader down a path. You know where you’re going, or at least can pretend to know, but the reader does not. But, with some well laid out clues and foreshadowing, they can begin to piece the map together. Now here comes ...

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A Proposed Counterargument

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 4, 2019


I was amazed and surprised to see that I wasn't the only one that had an idea to talk about setup and payoff and Game of Thrones this week! The lovely Emma Clare did it ahead of me, and she ...

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SHAPES and Character

Banes at 12:00AM, Feb. 28, 2019


I remember hearing about this notion some time ago, on the dvd special features for an animated movie or show. I don't remember which one.

Characters derived from basic shapes can give a very strong impression of their basic personality type. This can help the audience feel ...

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