The news may be delicious but this does not deny that there's a civil war going on on DrunkDuck! D: Oh noes! Whose side are you on?! Oh the humanity!
But the news marches on!
Heeeeey! Guess who is making a comeback from hiatus land? MisterSpook! Although currently, it ...

Black_Kitty at 8:26PM, March 23, 2007A steaming bucket of special recipe news!
skoolmunkee at 10:02AM, March 23, 2007First, a couple of little site-type announcements…
Dragonlova, who came to us from Platinum Studios, has left the job and surely moved on to bigger and better things. She was a friendly and familiar face on th forums, and met some of you at Wizard World. Also I for one ...
Stuff and such
Volte6 at 9:11AM, March 19, 2007Hey everyone,
Wow, what a crazy, great appearance DrunkDuck made at Wizard World L.A. this weekend! Special thanks to everyone who took time out of their weekend to make it!
There is a forum thread with lots of pictures (and lots to come) ...
Let's keep this short and sweet, shall we?
skoolmunkee at 4:43AM, March 17, 2007[Edit by Black Kitty: I don't know why I keep missing Drazi500 but his comic Dragon Blade reached 30 pages AND it reached its first chapter…three weeks ago. >.<
So this is just a public apology to Drazi500 for being a jerk and keep missing his PQ. I'm ...
Drunk Duck WHATS?
Volte6 at 10:17PM, March 13, 2007DrunkDuck Games, folks. That's right. We've a game section up and running. Sure, we included the two old classic games from back in the day, but we've also included two NEW games, with a secure scoring system, high score top 100 and personal best scores!
Try them ...
I have news too! :D Yay!
Black_Kitty at 6:43PM, March 9, 2007Hey everyone! Wizard World is coming up and guess who you will see if you go? Guess guess guess! :D
If you've guessed any of these people, then you're right!
Mr Riot
Mr Mustard Seed
Mr Granger
DJ Coffman
Speaking of DJ Coffman ...
It's Friday night and I have news!
skoolmunkee at 4:37PM, March 9, 2007In no particular order! (No, I'm lying. There is kind of an order.)
If I have interpreted the PQ right, I am supposed to mention that folks who would like to do musical collaborations a la Twonks and Plonkers would make F_Allen and Mr Mustard Seed very happy! (Contact ...
The PQs are burning a hole in my account
Black_Kitty at 8:13PM, March 3, 2007We got a lot of news items today! To all those who sent me news: Sorry for the long wait. :(
Did you know that Wizard Magazine did a write-up about DJ Coffman's Hero By Night? Well they did! :D And you can see a scan of it in this ...
More news! Milestones galoore!
Black_Kitty at 3:32PM, Feb. 22, 2007HapyCow's For God's Sake has reached Chapter 3! And there's a nifty cover page too!
Remember basketcase? It was a comic here on DD that was featured around the beginning? Well to celebrate the fourth anniversary of its main site, Jebus would like everyone to know that ...