Tomorrow is Chinese New Year!

Black_Kitty at 10:27PM, Feb. 16, 2007

Got some delicious news for all you lovely people out there! You may have noticed that there is a new interview up! Check it out! It's of Ronson who does The Gods of ArrKelaan!

Both 2 Bitter 5 Words and Return Zero is reaching their 25th strip! Yay!

Meanwhile ...

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Does it smell like potatoes in here to anyone else?

skoolmunkee at 11:56AM, Feb. 2, 2007

Keep an eye out in the next day or two for a new Interview (under the News tab)! We might end up editing this line here when it is posted…

Aussie_kid's Enter the Duck is hitting 100 pages (and will also feature the return of an old friend to ...

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We work hard, we play hard

skoolmunkee at 2:03PM, Jan. 7, 2007

Has everyone noticed the BRAND NEW NEWS PAGE?! (Interrobang?!) It's been redesigned, which is great, but we're also now featuring creator interviews! Go to the newspage to read the first interview with Amelius, creator of Charby the Vampirate!

bioteddy's comic The Kick Assers has finished its first ...

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skoolmunkee at 11:29PM, Dec. 7, 2006

Rebound has reached 50 pages! Go check it out and say hello and congrats!

The Realms of Aegis has also recently passed 50 pages, and one year, and is beginning its third chapter! (Triple whammy?)

Teasan of Gunnerkrigg Court recently got interviewed over at Comixpedia, where he ...

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Milestones and other news of talented people! :)

Black_Kitty at 8:45PM, Nov. 29, 2006

Hey everybody!

Did you know that tomorrow (or today depending on when you read this) Cowboys and Aliens hits their 50th page? Congrats you guys! :D

Enef's comic IFBIT hits its 50th page too! He also wanted to thank everyone on the site and those who visit his comic ...

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Gobble gobble~

Black_Kitty at 4:57PM, Oct. 11, 2006

It was Canadian Thanksgiving last Monday. :D I ate chicken though.

Contests! Contests! Subcultured would like everyone to know that he's holding a contest! The one with the most detailed critique of his comic Dreams in Synergy can request a painting of whatever they like from him. :D

Jillyfoo ...

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Gigcast PLUS!

skoolmunkee at 11:57AM, Oct. 5, 2006

I have announcements too, oh me!

'cos I'll be shoving Volte's announcement down the page, I'll repeat it here first: The Gigcast has interviewed Volte and asked him a bunch of questions about new and future changes. So go listen!


On October 4, ZAKtheGeek's Pyro ...

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Volte6 at 9:38AM, Oct. 5, 2006

Hey everyone, The Gigcast today contains an interview with your truly… check it out!

They asked a lot of questions about the new and future changes!

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Midnight snack news~

Black_Kitty at 11:13PM, Sept. 15, 2006

Because I am so creative with my post title! :D 8-10 hour school days could do that to you.

Just a few quick news articles! Allyn private messaged me a while back to tell me about a contest for her webcomic Tomb of the King! If you're interested in ...

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Super Size Newspost

Black_Kitty at 12:19AM, Aug. 10, 2006

Hey guys~ New day, new newspost! First the DrunkDuck stuff:

FIGHTSPLOSION! Sign-ups are to start either tomorrow or Saturday. So if you're looking to kick some comic butt (or participate in other ways), check it out!

I know I mentioned it in the last post but good news is ...

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