Here we go again

skoolmunkee at 10:01AM, Oct. 4, 2007

First announcement is mine! I got dibs!

The next interview will be with inkmonkey of Elijah and Azuu… and, like KC Green's interview, you can send in your own questions for inkmoney! PQ your questions to me (skoolmunkee) but make sure I have them by October 14th!

I ...

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What is this strange emotion I feel?

skoolmunkee at 2:03PM, Oct. 1, 2007

Hey, a new interview is up! hpkomic of Galactic Hub Serreven!
Actually it's a pair of interviews, they go together, like tomatoes and tomahtoes, aluminum and aluminium, elevators and lifts… or maybe not, because neither of them are from England.

BUT, for now you only get part 1, and ...

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I'm alive! :O

Black_Kitty at 6:35PM, Sept. 17, 2007

Hello dear duckies~ I am not dead! But don't forget to check out Skoolmunkee's other newspost! I'll try to jump back into the fray to help things out.

This is old news but I recently got interviewed on The Dish. I haven't listened to it but ...

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News, glorious news, makes everything scrumptious

skoolmunkee at 8:13AM, Aug. 27, 2007

New Creator Interview is up! It's with Allan, of Allan!

Do you have any future plans for the comic or are you just going to take them as they come?
Since it's based on day-to-day activities I can't really predict what will be happening. In the future ...

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I also am a late cat, or monkey, or something

skoolmunkee at 3:21PM, Aug. 2, 2007

Volte tells me he fixed whatever it was that was causing all those annoying random bugs with images and updates and so forth. So if you were trying before, please try again! We have sort of a news backlog so pardon me if I make this quick (also I am ...

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All Milestones, All The Time!

skoolmunkee at 8:58AM, July 20, 2007

Come get some of your own super-hot milestone action! Aaaow!

timlight's Drunk Duck Speesheez (a comic where he's drawing characters from the DD universe!) is 50, and his Super K O is almost 75! Also he says, “a million thanks!”

Allan's Allan is 100 pages old (that ...

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Yet more news and interviews!

skoolmunkee at 3:22AM, July 16, 2007

(Volte says the updating bug should be fixed, so go try updating your comics now.)

Hey guys! We have a new interview today, with Loki (Cooltendo) of Nintendo Super Squad! And I have to say he has really gone all out with his answers… (let's see if I can ...

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Zac and MrRiot do Civil War. The End.

skoolmunkee at 4:23AM, July 2, 2007

Sorry these newsposts are a bit belated, I wanted to leave the Black_Kitty announcement up for a few days. I hope that was okay. :) To read that announcement, go here. We are still collecting sympathy cards and any donations at this account for those who are so inclined. You can ...

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skoolmunkee at 3:51AM, June 18, 2007

Speaking of dogs, there's a new Creator Interview up! Skulldog from BRINK!

Who is Five, aside from a bit of a free spirit? She seems to be the source of much of the change and disruption in the comic.

Five was one of the original volunteer subjects into BRINK ...

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Tapdancing in roller skates

skoolmunkee at 12:28PM, June 6, 2007


Would everyone who has a Civil War comic please send me a PQ with the name, URL, and maybe a one-sentence description? I'm putting together a list. Thank you!

Also don't forget our current Creator Interview, tyrapendragon! (she runs Fusion ...

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