Before I do anything else, I forgot to post this on Saturday:
by doctorlime reached 50 pages on Saturday! I feel extra bad about forgetting to announce it because a comic called Zombiepocalypse would have been PERFECT in an announcement on Halloween, and plus people would probably have liked to ...
More interviews!
skoolmunkee at 4:04AM, April 2, 2008First of all, sorry there's not a featured comic today- I forgot to queue one up last night and now I have to wait for the next ‘turnover’ so that will be Thursday. :[ sorry sorry!
Drunk Duck Creator Interviews Extravaganza continues! (If you dunno what that is, click ...
Today's featured comic is Starsign!
skoolmunkee at 1:39AM, March 31, 2008Fun to look at, fun to read, Starsign is just fun all-around. Siblings Petre and Mia are occultist weirdos who like to fight zombies and demons and seem to have some rather disturbing (yet strangely fitting) personality quirks to boot. Amazing use of color and design, lots of entertaining action ...
I am always postin' with the news!
skoolmunkee at 1:59PM, June 14, 2007OK I just have to stop feeling bad for knocking old newsposts off. We just get too many to wait a couple days to make all of em.
Some changes! A couple of little bugs have been fixed, but also, notice how the thumbnails on the ‘Most Read’ lists no ...
Well what do you know?
skoolmunkee at 2:54AM, March 17, 2006Sorry the updates have been fewer and farther between lately. We aren't completely organized yet (also we like to keep major things on the front page, if we can).
Would someone who went to the UK Mini and Web Comics Thing like to send me an email or PM ...