Casting Characters in Comics - Larger casts, personality and temperament

Banes at 12:00AM, Aug. 9, 2018

Last week there was a post about smaller regular casts in a series - The Loner series, the Duo, and the Trio. Here's that post:

With a larger cast, things start to get more complicated - but with more possibilities for different ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 12, 2016

This is a world where people have powers, become registered and work as superheroes. But what happens if you don't make the cut? If you have power, but not quite enough, or the right temperament to join the ranks of the heroes? You become useless, like poor Bonnie… she ...

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Who Are These People?

Banes at 12:00AM, June 30, 2016

For several years I've been doing a comic called Typical Strange here on the Duck. And I'm still doing it, I swear!

The characters are a fairly diverse assortment of different temperaments and personalities, and the adventures they've had and will continue to have will hopefully be ...

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Casting Part Deux: 4 and More

Banes at 12:00AM, Dec. 17, 2015

Last time, solo heroes, teams of two, and trios were the order of the day. Today let's talk quartets, quintets, sextets, septuplets, octets, and…uh…neuf-tets…?
More possibilities for self-contained drama/comedy/conflict exist with groups of four or five. There are several ways to begin building such a ...

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Ozoneocean at 7:54AM, July 8, 2010

An interesting little comic about screwed up teens. It's pretty comical and unpretentious, with some VERY earthy language! It even featured a wild red-head tearaway, going by the name of Rosco. His temperament definitely matches his hair colour. The art style is simple, yet clear and bold in a ...

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