Them's Fightin' Words: CONFLICT

Banes at 12:00AM, July 9, 2015

Image by Banes

If you're anything like me (you poor soul), you may have learned about conflict in English or Creative Writing classes, and they told you that stories could either be

Man vs. Himself,
Man vs. Man, or
Man vs. Nature.

So a character would be either ...

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Turning an Idea into a Comic

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 23, 2015

I was sitting in a boring Canadian politics lecture the other day (I'm not sure what else I expected from that class, really…) when inspiration struck - a comic idea! Unfortunately it's the first good idea I've had since approximately 2008, and I'm a few years removed ...

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Digital Sketching in a Café with a Tablet in My Hand

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, June 2, 2014

I went to a café Sunday afternoon and spent my time doing something I have not been able to do in months–sat down and sketched. The last time I felt like drawing in a public space involved my oversized sketchbook, a few reference magazines, drafting mechanical pencils, and rubber ...

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Episode 124 - 60 Challenges in 60 Minutes

skoolmunkee at 12:05AM, May 7, 2013

With ozoneocean away having fun this week, it falls to Banes and skoolmunkee to pick up the slack! Our chosen topic is “Challenges” - those longer-term thematic projects you see around, meant to get you off your drawing/writing duff and doing stuff that makes you better. They can be fun ...

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Wizard Disappears All Coffee - Mondays Abolished

skoolmunkee at 11:28PM, Sept. 20, 2009

If I had a pie for every strip of Bacon Strips (by Gillespie), I would have 200 pies on Wednesday!

And if I had a dollar for every page of HiNaTa_fan_13's Hall of Randomness I would have 200 dollars today!

If there were as many pie thieves as there ...

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