A quick Friday newsposts! Just a reminder to those who haven't seen Skoolmunkee's earlier posts: we're trying to update the news more frequently but keep it shorter at the same time. If you don't see your news here, then look again Monday. :)
But news news news ...
More Bits of News!
Black_Kitty at 6:39PM, May 18, 2007New Interviews, Nontests, Crossover Wars, Community Projects, and Milestones!
skoolmunkee at 2:49AM, April 16, 2007What's up ducks and duckettes? I got some announcements!
Some changes are coming soon to the user pages! So keep an eye out…
There's a new Creator Interview up, and this time it's Hawk of Culture Shock!
Would you be doing your comic at all if you ...
It's that time again, the time when my PQ box is too full!
skoolmunkee at 11:20AM, Feb. 22, 2007First an announcement from mean skoolmunkee!
OK, remember everyone, forum signature images shouldn't be larger than 480x60 COMBINED! That means if you have two they can't both be 480x60… Do you know how annoying I find it to have to go PQing everyone because they didn't read ...
Tomorrow is Chinese New Year!
Black_Kitty at 10:27PM, Feb. 16, 2007Got some delicious news for all you lovely people out there! You may have noticed that there is a new interview up! Check it out! It's of Ronson who does The Gods of ArrKelaan!
Both 2 Bitter 5 Words and Return Zero is reaching their 25th strip! Yay!
Meanwhile ...
We work hard, we play hard
skoolmunkee at 2:03PM, Jan. 7, 2007Has everyone noticed the BRAND NEW NEWS PAGE?! (Interrobang?!) It's been redesigned, which is great, but we're also now featuring creator interviews! Go to the newspage to read the first interview with Amelius, creator of Charby the Vampirate!
bioteddy's comic The Kick Assers has finished its first ...
Super Size Newspost
Black_Kitty at 12:19AM, Aug. 10, 2006Hey guys~ New day, new newspost! First the DrunkDuck stuff:
FIGHTSPLOSION! Sign-ups are to start either tomorrow or Saturday. So if you're looking to kick some comic butt (or participate in other ways), check it out!
I know I mentioned it in the last post but good news is ...
Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June.
Black_Kitty at 1:01AM, June 2, 2006Got a whole batch of news for you guys today~
The Quack released their June issue recently! It features an interview with hpk, some very delicious comics and many more! July's theme is going to be “summer vacation” and if you're interested in contributing, contact Eleika about it ...
And I follow closely behind~
Black_Kitty at 2:26PM, April 27, 2006Just adding to the newsposts. :)
ccs1989 got his first book published! You can get Assassin Assassin Book One at Lulu if you click right here!
The 1000th (yes, one thousand O.o) Elijah and Azuu comic is coming up soon and Inkmonkey is planning a fanart special this coming Wednesday ...
Get those reading glasses ready, this is going to be a long one~
Black_Kitty at 10:24PM, March 24, 2006Yesterday was The KAMics' 500th strip! And last week was Gunnerkrigg Court's 100th strip! Which concidentally, was also around the time one of Tonykewv1's comic reached its 200th! And on April 4th, Soapbox Hill is going to reach its one year anniversary! And that happens after Obnoxious High ...